This year the Star Boating Club, Wellington, New Zealand celebrates 150 years of rowing. Star is the eldest living sports club in Wellington, and we think the third eldest in the Country.
For this Blog, the 4th in a series covering the history, personalities, snapshots and memories of the past, I am setting up a Gallery containing contributions from current and past members and their families. The aim is to build a living repository of photographs, newspaper extracts, official regatta programmes, Club documents such as Annual Reports and anything that can be digitised for inclusion in the Gallery.
This will be a “work in progress” and as well as contributions I would be delighted to receive suggestions about how the Gallery can be constructed and maintained a bit more efficiently and effective than this my start at it. I do have some computer literacy but I am sure there are people out there who could help with ideas to create a gallery of substance to add to what is already online, but spread all over the shop. Thanks.
The Club’s Annual Reports for 1958 – 1962, 1964 and 1967 may be found here. These could be used to get long forgotten answers to questions about events in those years. Further contributions of annual reports would be greatly appreciated. While on the subject of Annual Reports, it is very interesting to note that the same format for annual reports has been used from 1867 until at least 1967. I should be grateful if someone who is in possession of this year’s report, confirm or otherwise, that the same format is current.

Please use the Comments box at the bottom of the Blog to answer my queries or to challenge any of my statements – if you dare!
Photographs per courtesy John Spooner:

- Olympic Trials 1964
Snippets from the Minutes:
- For the Coxswains: 20 November 1879
“Resolved that Messrs A.S. Biss, A.H. Holmes, E. Swainson, E. Randell and E.R. Stock be appointed Club coxswains and that no other boys be allowed to steer the boats so long as any one of the Club coxswains is in the shed. Club coxswains always have to have preference.”
- A little later:
“The Committee considering that of the five Club coxswains appointed Messrs Randell and Biss were the only ones who were at all deserving of reward for good attendance resolved that tokens of the value of not more than thirty shillings each be presented to those gentlemen.”
1876: “New By-Law. The following new By-Law was made. The pleasure boats may not be used except for the purpose of taking out ladies, without the consent of the Captain or, in the Captain’s absence, of the Deputy-Captain or a member of the Committee. Members infringing the by-law shall pay a fine of 10/-“
14 May 1879 at a General Meeting, Pier Hotel: “Government House people. Proposed by Mr Brandon and seconded by Mr Taylor that the sheds and plant of the Club be placed at the disposal of the Staff and Ladies of the Governor’s household. (Carried)”
1880s: “See reply to a letter received from the Secretary of the Foxton Regatta Secretary. The Secretary was directed to state that the Club could not send boats out of the City of Wellington in consequence of the danger attending their transport by such small steamers.”
Late 1870s: “Colors of the Club. It was resolved that Rule 2 be altered so far as the color (sic) of the guernsey is concerned – Such guernsey to be white with blue stripe – instead of all white as heretofore.”
30 August 1890: “Telephone. On the motion of Mr H.B. Vogel, Seconded by Mr J. G. Smith the following motion was carried: (1) That it is in the opinion of the Club necessary that the Clubhouse be connected forthwith with the Telephone Exchange, (2) That if the Committee decide to have the instrument in the Reading Room upstairs, a bell should be attached and placed downstairs.”
Special General Meeting 7 June 1893: “Presentation The Chairman on behalf of the Members of the Club presented the Captain (Mr H. Field) with a purse of sovereigns and an illuminated address in connection with his recent marriage, and in doing so referred to the great service rendered by Mr. Field to the Club. The Captain having returned thanks to the Club, three cheers were given for him and his bride.”
Also resolved at this SGM: “Prizes Prizes won during the present season in Regatta Club and Swimming Races, were then presented by the Chairman, the winners of Regatta races each receiving a miniature silver oar.”
More from the Minute Books next week, together with photographs from Duncan Cameron’s and Fred Borrett’s collections. If you have same that may be of interest please send for inclusion in the Blog and eventual online collation.
Please keep the photographs, stories, whatever rolling in. Comments are also welcome via the Comment feature at the foot of the Blog page.